“The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union is providing a valuable contribution to broadcast services and media products throughout Asia and the Pacific” - the ABU Vice-President, Mr. Naoji Ono, told the Secretariat staff during his visit to the headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Mr. Ono, who is also Vice President of NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation, added that enormous progress had been made in recent years to satisfy the needs of emerging markets and those who wanted to understand and evaluate new technologies.
Addressing staff on his first visit to the ABU he said that the Digital Broadcast Symposium, which 8th edition is to be held in March in Kuala Lumpur, has become a prestigious regional and was testimony to the ABU's sense of innovation.
"I am delighted to know that the DBS is now a standard bearer in Asia, and will provide a platform for so many broadcast organisations and speakers," he added.
At least 70 keynote addresses will be made and more than 600 delegates will attend the symposium due to begin on March 7th.
During a meeting with ABU Directors and staff Mr. Ono said that Japan was committed to supporting the development of media throughout Asia and the Pacific. He said that new co-production programmes were being developed alongside existing ones such as Robocon, and Digista Teens, which had proved to be very popular among members.
The ABU Secretary-General, Dr. Javad Mottaghi, said that with the support of NHK and other large media groups within the ABU, there was a greater sense of cooperation which would lead to better service to members, and those who might want to join the ABU.
"We are a union dedicated to the aspirations of our members, and how best the ABU can support their activities," Dr. Mottaghi said.
(Source : Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)
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