Tuesday, January 22, 2013

HAM: AX prefix on Australia's national day

The Australian Communications and Media Authority automatically allows radio amateurs to substitute their normal VK callsign prefix with the letters AX every Australia Day, which is Saturday January 26.

This gives them a chance to be part of the national day around the European country which commemorates the first settlement at Port Jackson, now part of Sydney, in 1788.

Many will celebrate the day with a variety of events and night fireworks, a few receive a well deserved Australia Day honour, or become a new citizen.

Those radio amateurs using AX are strongly encouraged to have a QSL card under their alternate callsign, which is also automatically available on ANZAC Day April 25, and World Telecommunication Day May 17.
The ACMA, on the recommendation of the Wireless Institute of Australia, may also issue special event callsigns with the AX prefix on occasions of special national or international significance.

This occurred during the Sydney 2000 Olympics and saw AX3GAMES and AX3MCG issued for the Melbourne Commwealth Games in 2006.

(Source : Jim Linton VK3PC via Southgate Amateur Radio News)

(The Red Word European was added by the suggestion of Mr. Jame O Brien) (Thanks Mr. Brien)


  1. The only thing I would change about Jim Linton's article is to insert the word "European" when he says "which commemorate the first settlement at Port Jackson". There were lots of settlements for tens of thousands of years before 1788. :)

    1. Thanks Mr. Brien I have update it. Please check.

      Best regards,
