Monday, January 21, 2013

South Africa: Radio Raises the Volume

Radio has always baffled media futurologists, effortlessly bouncing back from perceived 'threats' such as recession right through to technological revolution - something consistently touted by 'radio assassins' as the next to bring about the demise of the medium.

Bucking the trend, year-on-year growth as an industry remains at a steady increase and this demonstrates the medium's enduring relevance.

One of the most outstanding radio campaigns we saw within the South African radio sector in 2012 was undoubtedly the popular FNB 'Steve' campaign - not just for the radio-centricity of the campaign but for the use of up to 1 minute-long spots in selected formats. In a traditionally conservative business sector, it's fair to say that the tangible results of this approach demonstrate that the medium can be used very effectively as a primary medium for major campaigns.

However, it was not just this campaign that saw vigorous reliance on radio to deliver returns. The motor trade and retail, too, were significant contributors. Also risky, but highly effective were the campaigns to launch and, proving that the right station with the right message, at the right frequency, will yield good returns.

With that, here's a look at what made these campaigns work, and some of the trends that will shape radio advertising in the coming year...

(Source : Biz Community,  Cape Town via

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