Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Farm Radio International marks World Radio Day

To celebrate World Radio Day this year, Farm Radio International (FRI) collaborated with UNESCO to produce an audio piece that highlights a unique radio program created in northern Ghana. FRI worked with broadcasting partner, Rite FM, to design a radio competition. The show focused on climate change, farming and the environment. You will find an audio piece which features FRI’s African Operations Director Gizaw Shibru describing the series here:

The competition was aimed at school-aged youth. Jonie Addo-Fening is the managing director at Rite FM. He says: “A lot of the students, including my own son, were not very comfortable with [agriculture] and he takes agriculture in school. But, you know, when you ask him if he wants to take it as a career, he says ‘no, because the farmers are too poor.’ So it gave me this idea [...] to start thinking about who the future farmers of this country will be.”

The series featured a live audience, text message voting and teams of students creating segments for the broadcasts. It proved to be very popular with students. By the end of its six-week run, the radio station had received over 100,000 votes and texts about the shows.

The series was described in Farm Radio Weekly #228, in December of 2012 (“Reality radio at RITE FM, Ghana”). To find out more about the series, go to:

To visit Rite FM’s website and find out more about their approach to broadcasting on farming, visit:

(Source: Farm Radio Weekly)

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