RTÉ Radio 1 has relaunched its website with the intention of making
content discovery a cinch for users. It's good news for radio listeners
eager to listen back to a specific segment on a particular show as
itemised content takes centre-stage.
Speaking to RTÉ TEN, RTÉ Radio 1's Pat Kenny said: "We are very
excited about our new beefed up website, its user friendly where
listeners can search for items and contributors that they can listen
back to.
"That can be anything from a debate on property tax, to an interview
with Hilary Mantel or Salman Rushdie or Catherine Fulvio's favourite
pasta recipe. Listeners can also access all our consumer items with Tina
Leonard in one place."
Derek Mooney also shared his views on the relaunched website: "I
realised the importance of a website in the armoury of communication, in
terms of broadcasting, a long time ago.
"On Mooney Goes Wild, we embraced the power of the internet
because we were broadcasting to the family. Our programme was for
everyone and our content on air and online reflected that.
"There was no other way we could have brought the secret lives of the
jackdaws, blackbirds, robins, blue tits and barn owls to the public
without the use of the web."
He said: "The new RTÉ website is going to make that even easier for
us as its user friendly, simple to navigate and uncluttered. You can
find what you're looking for without any stress."
Managing Director of RTÉ Radio, Clare Duignan, added: "Our research
demonstrated that over half of those who visit radio websites like to
'listen live'.
"Of those who prefer to 'listen back', 90% stated that the most
important feature for them is to be able to choose an item or topic
rather than listen to the whole programme.
"As our strategy is to ensure we meet audience needs, we took
on-board comments from our broad audience base and as a result
significantly improved the site's functionality, with an
easy-to-navigate site that is more accessible, with searchable topics
and items to facilitate those both listening live and listening back to
radio programmes.
"We also paid particular attention to enhanced social media tools to allow content to be readily shared."
Check out the new website at www.rte.ie/radio1.
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