Almost 70 delegates from Asia-Pacific countries have gathered in Vietnam to share professional perspectives and experiences at the annual ABU News Group meeting.
The 41st ABU News Group Meeting has attracted senior officers of news department of ABU members to discuss developments on regional broadcasting.
The meeting in Hanoi is hosted by Vietnam Television and was officially opened by VTV’s President Mr Tran Binh Minh. He said he appreciated the initiative of ABU News Group in shaping and operating effectively, offering favorable conditions for ABU members in news exchange and enhancing members’ professional activities to meet the rising demand of audiences and viewers across the globe.
News Group Chairperson Ms Prattana Nuntaratpun from MCOT-Thailand spoke about future initiatives for Asiavision, which she said was a vital link for many broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific providing initiatives that should be taken up aggressively so that AVN can continue exploring new tools, platforms and networks.
“For the promotion of more activities, it is positive that both the ABU and AVN are planning to initiate a high level regional ABU News Forum in which the newsroom directors will gather to discuss mutual issues and reinforce the partnership,” she said.
ABU Secretary General Dr Javad Mottaghi said AVN was also taking advantage of many digital technologies to overcome new media challenges and it was very important to strengthen AVN through cooperation, partnership and mutual trust.
The meeting heard about the introduction of a new cloud computing platform introduced in KBS Korea by Akamai and included discussions on newsroom integration and innovation.
The meeting ended with the re-election of Mr Prattana Nuntaratpun as Chairperson and Harjeet Singh (RTM) and Keiichi Imamura (NHK) as Vice-Chairmen.
A two-day ABU News Group Workshop also hosted by VTV will be held after the News Group meeting.
(Source : Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)
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